Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Autism Diagnosis - Round 2

It's no secret that our oldest son was diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum six years ago. Today we began autism journey #2.

We just finished Reed's diagnostic evaluation with Cardinal Glennon. He was formally diagnosed with pervasive developmental disorder with a secondary diagnosis of being moderate on the autism spectrum. Because Glennon will pay for it and Illinois Medicaid will not, they put in orders for an array of testing to be done at Cardinal Glennon including a full range of genetic testing. (She stated that we could probably have the pediatrician put in an order for Sheldon to have a full range of genetic testing done at and covered by Glennon as well.) They've asked that we delay this testing until after he is reevaluated by a neurologist, in case they want to add more tests to the order. She is concerned that because of his ataxia he may still have signs of cerebral palsy, and she wants neuro to evaluate him again now that he is walking and his physical weakness is more visibly apparent. Everybody falls in love with that rotten little smile! 😀

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