
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Just Your Average, Ordinary Night...


I hear Bub yelling from the bathroom, "Mom! Cat Castleman watching Sheldon potty!" I went into the bathroom to find Annabelle sitting on the toilet lid staring at Bub. He points to her litter box and says, "That Cat Castleman's potty. This Sheldon's potty! Mom, help!" Poor Annabelle. He insisted that I remove her from the toilet seat lid & put her in her litter box! Hope she had to go!


I'm snuggling Sheldon in bed after his prayers and I hear, "Ding, ding, ding!" I open an eye and see him with his hands in the air, using his thumbs as RR crossing arms.

"Bub, shhhh! Put the train signals down. It's time to go to night-night!" 

A few minutes later I hear a clicking sound. I open my eye and see him with his right hand opening and closing like a blinker flickering. "Going right!"

"Bub, shhh! It's time to go to bed!"

He snuggles me up behind him, & wraps my arm around his waist. He then proceeds to fart really loudly (right on me), and through his giggles I hear, "Sheldon didn't say a thing!"

Boys! Never a dull moment in our house...

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