Sunday, April 5, 2015

Blessings :)

Just as Christ was resurrected on Easter Sunday, I feel like our little family is slowly being resurrected as well. If you weren't aware, both of our boys are on the autism spectrum. Our older son Sheldon has very serious meltdowns that are triggered by certain noises - crying being the worst. You can imagine how difficult life in our house has been with one child whose meltdowns are triggered by crying and the other child is nonverbal and uses crying as his main mode of communication. I've been hit, kicked, and punched in the head so many times that I started having seizures from the head trauma. I already have chronic Hemiplegic migraine, so... :(

My parents are angels, and through their nonstop love & support we've gotten through the past few months by keeping the boys separated at all times. As the weather has improved, we've been slowly reintroducing them through shared enjoyed activities. I still long to have all my family under one roof, but I'm thankful in the interim for the progress that has been made! Keep us in your prayers! 

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