
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Angry Momma!!!

I've had a pretty rough day, and my doctor made it so much worse. I'm in the hospital for a week-long video EEG. I had a staring spell last night, but it didn't show as a seizure on the EEG, so he says it's not one. Ok. Frustrated, but I'll deal with it.

He knows my big seizures happen when one of the boys has a meltdown and hits me in the head. He actually asked me to bring both of them to the hospital together to see if we could trigger a meltdown, so I'd get hit restraining Bub, so he could catch it on video and EEG. He needed to see it before he could help me.

WHAT THE HECK??? Does he not realize a meltdown is physically and emotionally painful for #sensory kids? What kind of mom would put them through it for my benefit? I don't want my babies upset or hurting! Does he not realize we've spent months trying to help them get along, and he hasn't had a meltdown in 3 weeks? That's HUGE in our world! 

I was so upset & charged up I had a small tonic seizure during the light test immediately following our chat. Hope he got something. If not, bugger off! Leave my babies out of it! My head is going to explode and my bp is through the roof. Who asks someone to put their kids through that? NO. WE WILL NOT!!! 

1 comment:

  1. He who is not a good servant will not be a good master. Plato
