
Friday, October 16, 2015


Many of you know that my boys have barely been together for almost a year now. Sheldon has struggled with severe sensory defensiveness towards Reed's nonverbal babble and screaming. We've had bumps, bruises, and more holes in the wall than I care to count. Reed cries. Sheldon melts down. All heck breaks loose. 

As a result of this, my parents usually have one child and we have the other. We then just rotate who is where. It's been an exhausting, frustrating, and sometimes heartbreaking journey for us all. My depression has spiraled downward significantly from the stress of the situation (and stinking nonstop migraines), and I just want my babies to be safe and happy together. 

We have been working towards reintegrating the two boys for about 6 months now. We started with an hour together every week, and we are currently on one "sleepover" together each week. While not all sleepovers have gone well, the majority of them have, and I'm finally beginning to maybe see a ray of light peeking through the end of the tunnel. I'm praying this improvement continues. 

I cannot thank my parents enough for helping us through this. They've been through a lot for our boys, and I could never repay them. I love you Gram & PaPa! 

Please pray with us that we'll all be back under one roof permanently very soon. 

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