Monday, November 2, 2015

We Survived Sensory Overload!

We survived Halloween! You other Rainmoms know what I mean...
• anxiety
• crowds 
• strangers
• expectations to speak to strangers
• strangers patting your head
• strangers giving you things
• costumes that are uncomfortable 
• Looking at strange/creepy masks/faces when even "normal" faces are overwhelming

Halloween is a pretty difficult experience for a child with a sensory disorder. To curb some of this anxiety we only did one event - the local merchant association's annual trunk or treat. The businesses around the square in our small town pass out candy, and locals can park their cars and hand out candy from their trunks instead of doing it from home. 

The boys did great with it! My little love ignored everyone (as he usually does), and my big love shouted "Trick or Treat!" and "Happy Halloween!" to everyone he met. It was so nice to just be a "normal" family for an hour or so! 

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